Resilient Flat Roofs

Poorly installed and old flat roofs are prone to leaks, are damaged easily, and if left unrepaired, can lead to more costly repairs being required inside the house. Rhodes Roofing Ltd in Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, will help you by installing high-quality flat roofs that stay strong for decades.

Flat Roof Solutions

When it comes to having a new flat roof installed, or an old one replaced, you can choose from various styles and materials. The best material to use is felt, which gives your flat roof durable and long-lasting strength, reducing damage, leaks, and future costs for repairs.


When it comes to flat roofs, you'll benefit from working with a felt-roofing specialist. We use high-quality Italian felting that will keep your property safe from even the strongest of storms.

Contact us now and discover all the advantages of our services for flat roofs.